An Herbalife Customer Global Discovery & Define Learning Initiative

A Global Discovery

Herbalife's global digital products provide shopping experiences for customers and distributors to purchase retail health and fitness products, and find recipes, workouts videos, services, and tools to help distributors grow their businesses. With our friends for EY I led a discovery and define initiative to define and design and develop a best-in-class system for the customer and distributor funnel that included application and ordering for Herbalife Nutrition customers, preferred customers, and distributors. 

My Role



Sr. Product Design Owner
User Research
User Interviews
Workshop Facilitation
C-Suite and Regional Updates

MyHerbalife Root
Signup & Shop
Support Center

2019 - 2020

My Role

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Herbalife 24


3 Months.


Today, we expect online shopping to be effortless, and  quickly lose interest quickly when it isn't. The Herbalife digital landscape was a segmented and often antiquated experience overall as a result of inconsistent  experiences across regions and holdover features  catering to obsolete business models, making the overall signup and shop experience cumbersome and complex. Understanding the problems and streamlining the experience even marginally could have an exponential improvement in sales and retention.


How might we improve the user’s experience, understand where problems exist and for whom, so that we attract new users, increase conversion rates and make the current experience effortless “


Through contextual research, user interviews, worldwide workshops, digital product technology team interviews and evaluation of the existing platform, we intended to:

Document the offline and online signup and purchase process 

Understand the usage context and the user’s needs 

Discover what worked well and didn’t with the current digital products 

Results and Deliverables

A comprehensive report with key conclusions regarding a global user’s context, intention and interaction patterns, drawn from over 70 one-on-one interviews with customers, distributors and employees from 22 workshops that included 400 participants of customers and distributors.An overview and readout of our current technology portfolio and system architectures identifying overlaps and necessary improvements. A report on what problems exist with suggestions on how might we improve them. StatusFinished. Awaiting funding for next steps into design 

"To evaluate, simplify, and develop a best-in-class system for the application and ordering process for Herbalife Nutrition Members, Preferred Members and Customers. "

A deep dive into current state the user experience and technology landscape.

We began by getting a clear picture of the current state, identifying what technology and digital products are available to our users by region, and where and with whom are are seeing the larger issues through a few methods: 

Method #1:
One-on-one  interviews

More than 100 phone and in-person interviews with customers, distributors, and employees around the globe surfaced common problems directly from end-users.

Method #2:
World wide discovery workshop

An extensive global survey to over 19,000 customers and distributors gathered demographics, personality,  and professional background data which helped identify core problems and build  accurate personas. 

Method #3:
Global member and customer Survey

Info sessions with technology teams operating along our entire digital product ecosystem to learn where product service features and support overlap, understand engagement with products, and ultimately to make recommendations on which should be retired.

Method #4:
High-level Current State Technology Mapping

22 worldwide customer and distributor discovery workshops conducted in a dozen key countries to learn firsthand what problems exist for our end users and, with their help, how we might go about solving them.

Across 11 Regions over 26 Members, 42 Herbalife Employees and 44 Workshop Attendees were Interviewed.

Gaining foundational knowledge about our users and the problems they’re facing.

Looking to quickly and easily gather user data we started off this initiative with in-depth phone interviews with about 15 distributors and 42 employees. Information from these early interviews helped us update our proto-personas, gave us an early look into know issues along journey maps, and form early feature and workflow ideas. 

We continued interviewing these subjects throughout the workshop part of the discovery period, and were saw some early patterns—users,  customers and distributors had an inconsistent approval experience when sighing up to purchase products. In some regions users could purchase products immediately while in others they had to wait almost a day. We were excited by these early findings, but wanted to wait until we had a better understanding of the bigger picture. 

Product team interviews 

We conducted over 90 internal interviews with our product, business, development and design leads. Gathering valuable insights on how our tools were built, how they worked and what problems they knew had to be solved for.

61,763 Surveys sent over 48 Countries with a 6.9% Response Rate.

We’d never sent out a communication this large, but thanks to strong partnerships with partner teams we were able to accomplish this in one two week sprint. 

As we gathered this information we started to update our current personas, and update proto-personas with new data. I’ll cover more of that once we get into the define stage output. 

22 workshops in 11 regions with over 428 participants.

Today we dream,

so tomorrow we can create.

The workshop was based on the theme that all great technology feels like magic, one of the examples I gave was when i first drove my electric car on autopilot, i have no idea how it works and i don't have to, but i leave feeling of amazement and wonder. A feeling that all great technology should inspire.

We broke the day into small exercises each with the idea of thinking outside of the box, thinking about what amazes you and feels like magic.

On stage facilitating the workshop in Madrid :

Using Menti on there mobile phones we would ask the participants to tell us what magic meant to them finding common themes through out the group :

With each exercise, gathering valuable input and insights all while having fun!

Examples of items from yesterday year that evolved :

Learning how each participant would imagine the future, thinking well beyond what could be possible helping us understand their deep wants and needs.

Customer Journey Map, pain and proof point examples :

One of the more valuable parts of the day was an exercise that involved the participant putting themselves in the shoes of an persona we assigned to each table, then discussing what pain and or proof points exist throughout the signup and ordering funnel. To then later ask, in a perfect world, what would your do to solve some of the pain points discussed.

Definitely more pain than proof points :

The over 428 workshop participants helped us gather Around 2,000 data points, with 60% being pain points and areas to improve.

Finally participants are asked to walk the wall and vote for their favorite solution :

Workshop presentation overview :

Discovery Conclusion 

Visiting 11 counties in a month was intensive but incredible. We (my team, our partners, regional tech leads, and friends from EY got a hands on experience with our end users at a scale that was a first in my career. 

We returned home energized to compile the extensive amount of data we collected, looking to solidify and define our primary problems, the most impacted users, the benefits derived from our solutions. 


Our Target Members & Customers

From the survey results, interviews and workshop data-points we were able to clearly define who we were designing for with target users separated in to a specific personas:

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Mike SecondLife, age 45

Role: New Member

Preferred Engagement: facebook, one on one, mobile phone, myhl

Bio: Michael works in construction five days a week.He was introduced to Herbalife Nutrition by a friend,who recommended some products to help him increasehis energy levels at work.

Ok have the who, now we need to understand the what, where and when...  Then we can understand the best problems to solve.

A problem well stated is a problem half solved

Enter Problem framing, a great exercise that helps us break break the data into common digest-able themes. Working with our Product leads, Business stakeholders and Experience and Research team we took days to review the data together on mural, breaking into collaborative teams to help identify the what when and where these problem exist and how many user's the problem affects so that we can best assess the level of importance and urgency it to solve.

Problem Framing Zoom meetup with Value Stream, User Experience and Research Leads  :

Pre-work done before the workshop, breaking data and feedback points into groups along user value stream :

After grouping data together into themes, with the help from our technology leads we worked to understand which problems would be most impactful :

Ok have the who, now we want to understand the what, where and when.

Helping us understand the

best problems to solve.